Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Obstetrician & Gynecologist Mangalore

Dr. Hema Mallya

Dr. Hema Mallya is a consultant obstetrician and Gynecologist practicing independently in Mangalore.Dr. Hema Mallya is one of well known Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Mangalore

Apart from medical, surgical and pregnancy management, she specializes in assessment and therapy of hormone related hirsutism and diet counseling of polycystic ovary disease for weight reduction.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Post caesarean section, it is advisable for a patient to avoid any strenuous workout for the next 12 weeks. But, you could resume exercises like brisk walking 6 weeks post-delivery. Basically, the idea is to avoid any strain on the abdominal muscles till the healing process is complete.